Welcome MSP1 Workers!

This page has these tools or links for you:

Bylaws are the rules that we use to govern ourselves. A Union is a government controlled by us workers, so if any of us want to change how it works, we can! You can submit a proposal to add, change, or remove a bylaw here with this form.

Proposals will be reviewed by our Executive Committee comprised of Elected Officers, and/or by our Workers’ Committee, which anyone can voluntarily join.

If either committee has feedback for your proposal, then they will contact you to discuss specific wording and any potential changes before it gets put up for a vote on this page.

Submit a Bylaw proposal for our Union!

Our Platform is the list of our goals and priorities as a Union, especially for when we get to the contract negotiation phase. It is up to us workers to determine what we want! What do you want to see changed, fixed, or protected at MSP1? You can submit proposals for our platform here with this form.

Proposals will be reviewed by our Executive Committee comprised of Elected Officers, and/or by our Workers’ Committee, which anyone can voluntarily join.

If either committee has feedback for your proposal, then they will contact you to discuss specific wording and any potential changes before it gets put up for a vote on this page.

Submit a Platform proposal for our Union!

Us workers are the Union! From every worker who votes, volunteers, and joins a committee, to the workers we elect to represent us as Union Officers (now) and Union Stewards (in the future)! If you would like to run for any elected office, please fill out this form here.

Keep in mind, as a Union Officer, you serve all members of our Union. This position is something you do to help others, and it will place more responsibility and higher expectations on you. We also have our Workers’ Committee that anyone can join as another option to serve.

Which types of Elected Officers we have and how many we have will depend on how many qualified candidates we have to fill those positions and our need for these positions. Our Workers’ Committee can change the number and type of Elected Officers we have in response to changes in supply and/or need.

Nominations for Union Officers are reviewed by our Workers’ Committee. If the Workers’ Committee has feedback for your nomination, then they will contact you to discuss it before there is an election of Union Officers on this page.

Nominate yourself for an elected position!