Bylaws Amendment 1 - Passed

A) Requirements to be a voting member before ALUMN is certified at MSP1, which happens after winning a Union election:

1) Amazon Worker must currently work at MSP1

2) Amazon Worker must complete card check for ALUMN such that they currently Authorize ALUMN to collectively bargain on their behalf

3) Amazon Worker must at least broadly agree with the goals and principles of ALUMN to improve compensation and working conditions at Amazon through unionization

4) Amazon Worker must be in "Good Standing", can be further defined and interpreted by the Workers' Committe.

[Guidance: This is meant to be used for edge situations like occurance of harassment, violence, etc towards upholding positive values and behaviors and to avoid associating with bad actors.]

B) Requirements to be a voting member after ALUMN is certified at MSP1, which happens after winning a Union election:

1) Amazon Worker must currently work at MSP1

2) Amazon Worker must be covered by MSP1's bargaining unit.

3) Amazon Worker must be in "Good Standing", can be further defined and interpreted by the Workers' Committe.

[Guidance: This is meant to be used for edge situations like occurance of harassment, violence, etc towards upholding positive values and behaviors and to avoid associating with bad actors.]

4) No mandatory Union Dues shall be collected until after we implement our contract. After that point, they will be considered part of whether an Amazon Worker is in "Good Standing".

C) Requirements to be a member of the MSP1 Workers' Committee or an elected Officer of ALUMN

1) All Requirements found in sections A and B apply, respective to if ALUMN is pre-certification or post-certification

2) Amazon Worker should try their best to be a positive role model to others, in recognition that they are representing their coworkers

3) Amazon Worker should try their best to be fair and impartial towards others, and to be understanding of the variety of beliefs and backgrounds at MSP1.

D) Process for handling Bylaws and Platform proposals

1) Any Amazon Worker who is considered a "voting member" shall be allowed to submit proposals to add, edit, or remove any part of our Bylaws and Platform.

2) Bylaws and Platform proposals shall be reviewed by ALUMN's Executive Committee, comprised of elected Officers, and/or ALUMN's Workers' Committee, composed of worker-volunteers.

3) Any feedback regarding proposals shall be shared with the person who submitted the proposal

4) Whether to put the proposal up to a vote shall be decided between the Committees and the worker who submitted the proposal

E) Process for handling Organizing Fund

1) ALUMN shall have an Organizing Fund to fundraise and to pay for needed expenses

2) Expenses may be approved by a vote of the Executive Board, a vote of the Workers' Committee, or a vote of ALUMN's general membership

3) Approvals should generally be voted on by the broadest section of ALUMN that reasonably can.

4) In situations where speed and/or OPSEC are important, it is acceptable to hold votes in the committees to approve expenses

5) Which level of approval is required for which disburstments shall be further clarified and defined in the future.

6) Records shall be kept of each vote and disburstment such that they can be reported out to the membership of ALUMN.

7) The records mentioned in Section E, Subsection 6, shall be posted on ALUMN's website with either a link or information sent out about them on a regular basis, to be defined by the Workers' Committee.

8) The net earnings of ALUMN may not inure to the benefit of any member.

9) No payments shall be made to individuals, except as reimburstments for approved disburstments, until we have the future capacity and framework to govern and oversee them.